Review: Whiskey 🥃 Chick 🐥by Ryan Ringbloom

OMG! This book!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

5 out of 5 laughy faces! I was hooked on page one and it never lost my attention once! I hated having to set it down for anything!

It’s been a while since I have read something so laugh out loud funny!

A Must Read!!!!

Nothin’ else to say! 😁


Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. It’s a fluke. Too much whiskey. Believe me when I say, it will NEVER happen again.

I’m trying not to take it personally. Sh*t happens. It was a blind date. She drank too much whiskey. I hope it wasn’t a reflection on me.

Okay, so the first date didn’t work out. But what happens when the second one doesn’t either?

Fate’s a funny thing.
She likes him.
He likes her.
They say the third time’s a charm….

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